Our goal is to protect the Bellport Bay and to provide a safe and healthy environment. To accomplish this, we must stop the nitrogen runoff. Let's bring the bay back to what it once was, a thriving and sustainable ecosystem, with both commercial and recreational harvesting of shellfish.
- Link to Environmentally Friendly Lawn Care Products Available in April
- Link to Compost Details
- Link to Stony Brook Algae Bloom information
How You Can Help - What You Can Do
Follow these tips for Lawn Care:
- Mow your lawn high, to 3 to 4 inches (if the grass is higher then the weeds, the weeds are choked out)
- Leave grass clippings on the lawn after mowing (the clippings are a natural fertilizer)
- Water your lawn for longer periods of time, and fewer days (force roots to grow deep and stop drowning the good micro-organisms)
- Leave the leaves on your garden beds, this acts like a blanket for your garden in the cold weather. The leaves will decompose and become nutrient rich compost. Why buy compost when you can make your own. And no chemicals!
- For the fall and spring fertilization, put down compost, vs. chemicals. A yard of good compost is not only cheaper, but more environmental friendly. Do you want to walk on chemicals or good old fashion dirt!
- Consider leaving a portion of your lawn/property wild, create a meadow with native trees, bushes and grasses. Your meadow will become a host to native wildlife such as lady bugs, butterflies, pollenators and birds. You will not have to mow, nor weed, and you will water less often. This saves you time and money, plus creates a favorable environment.
Additional Resources
- Link to Organic Lawn Care Program
- Link to Stable to Soil Compost
Septic Systems
If you are replacing your septic system, replace it with an Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (I/A PWTS). The new systems significantly reduce the nitrogen and other contaminants from leaching into the ground, and ultimately into the Bellport Bay.
- Call the Suffolk County Department of Health-Reclaim Our Water - 631-852-5811